Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Global Positron Emission Scan

Envision it this way: our consensual psychic hubbub
as a flare-like constellation of neurons firing -- each cell,
a human mind; every second spread across days.

The crackle of wildfire, a glowing haze on Gaia's neocortex,
she herself a paramecium dwarfed by a desert
of astronomical proportions devoid of life. "We are billions

Of kilometers away," they say, but they
are fellow humans, and we know their fondness
for hyperbole -- it mirrors our own. Some still

Insist a man pick a side, but God put you on one,
and made you smart enough to know, shadow
or light, we are not in a fight; but all of us

Together form a fluctuating whole. Planet-wide musings
and moods find finger-holds among a myriad parallel
universes -- tendrils, strange dendrites, locking and unlocking

Around instances of time. Arcane plans find root in bizarre cruelties.
"I really want you to take a bullet," demand some from childhoods
sweet, fat and happy -- themselves unscarred. But I digress...

Faith is not misplaced: He corrects the errors our free will incurs
and has put in place his contingencies -- I bear
the burdens I can and you bear yours.

And at times we share: voices carry and dreams intersect
among continua elucidated by Planck, the Mandelbrot richness
of meta lives comprehensible in relation to Newtonian absolute space.

I will bring up the rear and my dearly won terabytes will form
an incandescent white spray of quantum code --
an informational geyser falling back into many

Reservoirs of thought. When you receive of it your parts
otherwhere and elsewhen, chances are I will by then be dead.
Forgive me my failures, and let my smiles be as embers from a

Cro-Magnon hearth.

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